..::: Welcome :::..

Welcome to the Fanlisting for the manga series REAL, run by Bimba and Esso and approved by The Anime Fanlisting Network.

What is a fanlisting? It is a place where fans of a particular subject, author, artist etc... scattered all over the world unite to show their appreciation.

So, if you like, love, adore, worship (!) this masterpiece written and drawn by the genious mangaka Takehiko Inoue (author of Slam Dunk and Vagabond, too), why don't you join? :-D

..::: Codes :::..

Display your love and support with these buttons. Please save them on your computer and link them back to http://bimba.altervista.org/real/.

Of course contributions are always welcome! You can make your own codes and send them to this e-mail address; your effort will be credited :-)

50 x 50

by Bimba by Bimba
The following buttons were made by Cioppys. Thank you very much ! :-D
by Cioppys by Cioppys by Cioppys by Cioppys by Cioppys by Cioppys by Cioppys by Cioppys

88 x 31

Once again, credit goes to Cioppys for making these wonderful banners :-D
by Cioppys by Cioppys by Cioppys by Cioppys

100 x 35

Thank you very much Cioppys!
by Cioppys by Cioppys by Cioppys

100 x 50

Hugs to Cioppys for helping this site grow with all these banners :-D
by Cioppys by Cioppys

200 x 40

Thanks Bimba for making this banner :D!
by Bimba

Grabbed a code? Read the rules? Then, join here.